What is Care Home Open Day?

Category: Care Homes & Nursing Homes

Each year care homes across the county open their doors to the community to develop friendships, make connections and celebrate older and vulnerable people. Care Home Open Day are celebrating their 7th consecutive year. The open day encourages homes to demonstrate a different theme each year, keeping their key values at its heart. This year’s theme, Celebrating Arts in care, aims to show how care homes are creative and welcoming communities. It provides a fantastic opportunity for everyone to engage with residents and staff, to help challenge some of the long-standing misconceptions that are often associated with care homes.

Care Home Open Day


The open day is a great opportunity for CHS Healthcare to draw attention to the wonderful care homes that we work with every day and to support them to make connections across their local communities. It also gives us chance to engage with residents and families we have helped and supported throughout the year while appreciating all the positive things that are happening within care homes across the county helping residents live a full and meaningful life.

There are more than 100 homes already signed up, find out what care homes are participating on the 28th June – go and visit them and get involved in their art classes and tea and coffee catch ups.

See more about the Care Home Open Day on our Facebook


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